Women of Distinction

During its annual Women of Distinction luncheon, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您表彰珍惜社区和家庭并希望为他人保留这些理想的女性. The event is a PBA tradition for more than 30 years, 午宴的收入将捐给一个奖学金基金,用于资助优秀的女学生.

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2024 Recap

2024 Honorees

Denise Hanley

Sheila Rinker

Denise Hanley

Born in Washington, D.C., to Therese and H. Loy Anderson, Denise Anderson Hanley 她和父母以及三个兄弟姐妹(Andrea, Therese和H.Loy, Jr., to Palm Beach in 1958. She attended Palm Beach Private School, Mt. Vernon Seminary, Briarcliff College, and Florida Atlantic University, 她在哪里获得了指导与咨询硕士学位.

1970年,丹尼斯嫁给了她的高中恋人丹·汉利. They raised two sons, Drew and Blake, both Florida attorneys, like their maternal grandfather, Loy and father, Dan, 他在Gunster做了近50年的合伙人. They are the proud grandparents of Joshua, a sophomore at the University of Florida, Lydia, a junior at Dreyfus High School, and Muoni, three, who attends New Generation Montessori School.

Denise自80年代初以来一直是推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您房地产经纪人委员会的成员,并开设了自己的经纪公司, Denise A Hanley Inc., Real Estate, in 1983. 她曾担任两届董事会成员,并担任专业标准委员会主席多年.

旺达·詹金斯和丹尼斯都是PBA杰出女性午餐会的成员. 继贝贝·沃伦(Bebe Warren)担任第一任主席后,她们很荣幸连续几年共同担任推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您杰出女性午宴的主席, wife of co-founder Don Warren, who conceived the WOD luncheon, decided to step down.

最初是在儿童和成人康复中心做志愿者, 丹尼斯两次被邀请担任他们年度午宴的主席和联席主席. A dear friend of Joyce and Dusty Sang, 多年来,她还担任了在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您举行的瑞安·李森基金会年度活动的联合主席和荣誉主席,并将与她的丈夫共同主持, Dan, in January 2024.

丹和丹尼斯长期以来一直支持其他几个慈善组织, such as The Hanley Foundation, 佩吉·亚当斯动物救援联盟和救世军. Dan是两个董事会的成员,最近从推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您(Palm Beach Atlantic University)董事会退休.

丹尼斯和丹是家庭教会的长期成员,他们的孩子和他们都是在那里受洗的. 丹尼斯对上帝话语的基督教信仰,并将其传递给她的家人, friends and others have been her most joyful mission.

多年来,她一直在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您和东北港促进圣经学习. 她目前在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您女士团契服务, 节日期间每周在圣三一教堂举行一次, where all ladies are welcome to attend.

Sheila Rinker

希拉·林克的社区参与和慈善活动反映了她对音乐的兴趣, literature, arts, and athletics, as well as her compassion for others.

Palm Beach Atlantic University, 得到了林克家族的长期支持, is among the top causes on her list. The Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Foundation, where she serves as vice president, took the lead in building the Vera Lea Rinker Hall, the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Athletic Campus, and the John and Sheila Rinker Athletic Complex. 约翰和希拉的最新捐款两千万美元, 还有马歇尔和维拉·丽·林克基金会, Inc.马歇尔和维拉·利亚·林克商业大厅(Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Business Hall)六层楼高, will include a stock trading room, a lecture hall, and the LeMieux Center for Public Policy. 希拉参与的每一个建筑项目都有一个相关的维护基金, which is a topic she prioritizes.

2016年,学校授予希拉和结婚42年的丈夫约翰·J·琼斯(John J. Rinker, honorary doctorate degrees, 称他们为“代际变化的投资者”,因为他们关注推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您学生的福祉.

希拉·林克亲自贡献了她的创作才能和精力, 担任推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您杰出女性委员会成员达20年之久, 反映了她支持学生奖学金的热情. In particular, 她发自内心地希望帮助那些经济困难、需要鼓励的女学生,这对她们的生活产生了巨大的影响.

希拉积极参与当地的一些慈善组织和事业. For two decades, 她在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您康复中心的志愿者工作包括担任董事会成员以及该组织的年度Hab-a-Hearts活动委员会, which selected her as the “Queen of Hearts” in 2015. That award recognized her longtime commitment, 对活动的杰出支持和贡献,帮助中心达到其筹款目标.

她曾在城市青年影响董事会任职四年,并短暂地在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您县基督教女青年会董事会任职. A supporter of law enforcement, 她是佛罗里达州一个小镇警察局的赞助人, providing officers with zip-up bullet-proof vests, night-vision goggles, a fingerprinting identification computer, four fully loaded squad cars, 还帮忙建了一个她给它起了名字的射击场, “The Philip Fields Training Center,” in honor of a fallen officer.  Sheila is also a patron for the H.O.W. (聆听卵巢癌的低语)每年的午宴,时间就是一切. She has also been a supporter of Opportunity, Inc. 几年来,我一直在给毕业班上幼儿园的学生提供书包.

希拉就读于萨拉索塔的林林艺术与设计学院, where she majored in commercial art (graphic arts). 她的艺术天赋在高中时第一次被注意到,当时她的作品在全国海报比赛中获得了第三名. She briefly worked in advertising.

These days, the couple travel extensively, 约翰分享了他的一些照片,作为希拉艺术的灵感——用粉彩绘画. In addition, she was an avid golfer, 在北卡罗莱纳的Toxaway湖乡村俱乐部两次获得俱乐部冠军,并打入9杆老鹰球, four of which were holes-in-one.


2024 Sponsors

Frances & Jeffrey Fisher
Mrs. William R. Wister, Jr.
Deborah Adeimy
Nancy Brinker
Cathy Flagg
Dan & Denise Hanley
Vicki Halmos
Ronnie Heyman
Hillie Mahoney
Kerry & Tom McCaffrey
Bonnie McElveen-Hunter & Gil Kemp
Penny Murphy
Alice “Kit” Pannill
Monika Preston
John & Sheila Rinker
SFC Water Warriors

Sally Ross Soter
Tim & Marybeth Sotos
Susan Keenan Wright & Bob Wright
Sally Ross Soter
Mary Fairbanks Freitas
Pioneer Linens
Michele Kessler
David & Laura Bishop
Cathy Flagg
Jose “Pepe” & Emilia Fanjul
Marshall & Vera Lea Rinker Foundation Inc.
Richard S. Johnson Family Foundation, Inc.

Corporate Sponsors


捐赠1万美元或以上将自动成为总统捐赠协会会员. 这个特殊的领导级别的支持者团体经常由PBA总裁提供独特的机会, Dr. Debra A. Schwinn and other university leaders.

For more information on event sponsorships, 承保机会和学生奖学金机会, please contact Amy Evans, 基金会和企业关系主管,网址:Amy_Evans@mit-storeonline-sa.com or 561.803.2024.


2024 Scholarship Recipients

Donate to the Scholarship

Past Women of Distinction Recipients